All products
10th Edition
2-Player Starter Set
2003 Collectors Tin
2004 Collectors Tin
2010 Collectors Tins
2014 Mega-Tins Mega Pack
2015 Mega-Tins Mega Pack
2016 Mega-Tins Mega Pack
2017 Mega-Tins Mega Pack
2018 Mega-Tins Mega Pack
2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack
2020 Tin of Lost Memories
2021 Tin of Ancient Battles
2022 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods
25th Anniversary Rarity Collection
25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II
25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes Mega Pack
25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors
5D's 2008 Starter Deck
5D's Starter Deck 2009
7th Edition
8th Edition
9th Edition
Absolute Powerforce
Abyss Rising
Advanced Demo Deck Extra Pack
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Aether Revolt
Age of Overlord
Alara Reborn
Amazing Defenders
Ancient Guardians
Ancient Prophecy
Ancient Sanctuary
Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
Astral Pack 3
Astral Pack 7
Avacyn Restored
Battle for Zendikar
Battle of Chaos
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Round 2
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2
Battle Pack 3: Monster League
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn
Battle Royale Box Set
Battles of Legend: Chapter 1
Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge
Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge
Beatdown Box Set
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Blazing Vortex
Born of the Gods
Breakers of Shadow
Burst of Destiny
Champion Pack 7
Champion's Path
Champions of Kamigawa
Chaos Impact
Circuit Break
Clash of Rebellions
Classic Sixth Edition
Code of the Duelist
Coldsnap Theme Deck Reprints
Commander 2013
Commander 2014
Commander 2015
Commander 2016
Commander 2017
Commander 2018
Commander 2019
Commander 2020
Commander 2021
Commander Anthology
Commander Anthology Volume II
Commander Legends
Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
Commander: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Commander: Dominaria United
Commander: Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
Commander: Kaldheim
Commander: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
Commander: March of the Machine
Commander: Phyrexia: All Will Be One
Commander: The Brothers' War
Commander: Zendikar Rising
Conspiracy: Take the Crown
Core Set 2019
Core Set 2020
Core Set 2021
Cosmo Blazer
Crimson Crisis
Crossed Souls
Crossover Breakers
Crossroads of Chaos
Crown Zenith
Cyberdark Impact
Cybernetic Horizon
Cybernetic Revolution
Cyberstorm Access
Dark Ascension
Dark Beginning 1
Dark Beginning 2
Dark Crisis
Dark Crisis (25th Anniversary Edition)
Dark Crisis (Worldwide English)
Dark Legends
Dark Neostorm
Dark Revelation Volume 1
Dark Revelation Volume 2
Dark Revelation Volume 3
Dark Revelation Volume 4
Darkwing Blast
Dawn of Majesty
Demo Deck 2015
Demo Pack
Diamond and Pearl
Digimon Card Game
Dimension Force
Dimension of Chaos
Dominaria United
Double Masters
Double Masters 2022
Dragon's Maze
Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series
Dragons of Tarkir
Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
Duel Decks: Anthology
Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed
Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora
Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret
Duel Decks: Elves vs. Inventors
Duel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters
Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska
Duel Decks: Knights vs. Dragons
Duel Decks: Merfolk vs. Goblins
Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis
Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition
Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt
Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning
Duel Decks: Venser vs. Koth
Duel Decks: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi
Duel Master's Guide
Duelist Alliance
Duelist League Promo
Duelist Nexus
Duelist Pack 10: Yusei 3
Duelist Pack 11: Crow
Duelist Pack 1: Jaden Yuki
Duelist Pack 2: Chazz Princeton
Duelist Pack 3: Jaden Yuki 2
Duelist Pack 4: Zane Truesdale
Duelist Pack 5: Aster Phoenix
Duelist Pack 6: Jaden Yuki 3
Duelist Pack 7: Jesse Anderson
Duelist Pack 9: Yusei 2
Duelist Pack Collection Tin
Duelist Pack: Battle City
Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians
Duelist Pack: Kaiba
Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh
Duelist Pack: Yugi
Duelist Revolution
Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor
Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon
Eldritch Moon
Elemental Energy
Enemy of Justice
Eternal Masters
Eternity Code
EX Battle Stadium
Excalibur (1988 Series)
Explorers of Ixalan
Extreme Force
Extreme Victory
Fate Reforged
Fifth Dawn
Fifth Edition
Flames of Destruction
Flaming Eternity
FNM Promos
Force of the Breaker
From the Vault: Annihilation
Future Sight
Galactic Overlord
Game Day & Store Championship Promos
Generation Force
Genesis Impact
Gladiator's Assault
Global Series Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yanling
Gold Series 2008
Gold Series 2009
Gold Series 3
Gold Series 4: Pyramids Edition
Gold Series: Haunted Mine
Guilds of Ravnica
Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits
Harley Quinn (2000 Series)
Harley Quinn (2016 Series)
Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1
High-Speed Riders
Hobby League 2
Hobby League 6
Hour of Devastation
Ice Age
Iconic Masters
Ignition Assault
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
Innistrad: Crimson Vow
Innistrad: Double Feature
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
Introductory Two-Player Set
Invasion of Chaos
Invasion of Chaos (25th Anniversary Edition)
Invasion of Chaos (Worldwide English)
Invasion: Vengeance
Journey Into Nyx
Judgment of the Light
Jumpstart 2022
Junior Series Promos
Justice League of America (1960 Series)
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
Khans of Tarkir
King of Games: Yugi's Legendary Decks
King's Court
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Labyrinth of Nightmare (Worldwide English)
Legacy of Darkness
Legacy of Darkness (Worldwide English)
Legacy of Destruction
Legacy of the Valiant
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (Worldwide English)
Legendary Collection 2
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World
Legendary Collection 5D's
Legendary Decks II
Legendary Dragon Decks
Legendary Duelists
Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium
Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep
Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny
Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero
Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra
Legendary Duelists: Season 1
Legendary Duelists: Season 2
Legendary Duelists: Season 3
Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose
Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano
Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm
Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss
Legendary Hero Decks
Light and Darkness Power Pack
Light of Destruction
Lightning Overdrive
Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy
Magic 2010 (M10)
Magic 2011 (M11)
Magic 2012 (M12)
Magic 2013 (M13)
Magic 2014 (M14)
Magic 2015 (M15)
Magic Game Night
Magic Game Night 2019
Magic Modern Event Deck
Magic Origins
Magic Ruler
Magician's Force
Magnificent Mavens
March of the Machine
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990 Series)
Master Collection Volume 1
Master Collection Volume 2
Masters 25
Maximum Crisis
Maximum Gold
Maximum Gold: El Dorado
Maze of Memories
Maze of Millennia
McDonald's Promo
McDonald's Promo Series 2
Media Promos
Mercadian Masques
Metal Raiders
Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)
Metal Raiders (Worldwide English)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2019 Series)
Millennium Pack
Mirrodin Besieged
Miscellaneous Cards & Products
Modern Horizons
Modern Horizons 2
Modern Masters
Modern Masters 2015
Modern Masters 2017
New Phyrexia
Number Hunters
Oath of the Gatewatch
Order of Chaos
OTS Tournament Pack 10
OTS Tournament Pack 11
OTS Tournament Pack 12
OTS Tournament Pack 13
OTS Tournament Pack 15
OTS Tournament Pack 16
OTS Tournament Pack 17
OTS Tournament Pack 18
OTS Tournament Pack 19
OTS Tournament Pack 2
OTS Tournament Pack 20
OTS Tournament Pack 21
OTS Tournament Pack 22
OTS Tournament Pack 23
OTS Tournament Pack 24
OTS Tournament Pack 25
OTS Tournament Pack 3
OTS Tournament Pack 4
OTS Tournament Pack 5
OTS Tournament Pack 6
OTS Tournament Pack 9
Phantom Darkness
Phantom Nightmare
Phantom Rage
Pharaoh's Servant
Pharaoh's Servant (25th Anniversary Edition)
Pharaoh's Servant (Worldwide English)
Pharaonic Guardian
Photon Hypernova
Photon Shockwave
Phyrexia: All Will Be One
Planar Chaos
Planechase Anthology
Plasma Freeze
Pokemon GO
POP Series 1
Portal Second Age
Power of the Duelist
Power of the Elements
Premium Deck Series: Slivers
Premium Pack 1
Primal Origin
Quarter Century Bonanza
Ra Yellow Mega Pack
Rage of the Abyss
Raging Battle
Raging Tempest
Ravnica Allegiance
Ravnica Allegiance: Guild Kits
Ravnica: City of Guilds
Retro Pack (2020 Date Reprint)
Retro Pack 1
Retro Pack 2
Return of the Duelist
Return to Ravnica
Rise of Destiny
Rise of Destiny Special Edition
Rise of the Duelist
Rise of the Eldrazi
Rising Rampage
Rivals of Ixalan
Ruby and Sapphire
Savage Strike
Saviors of Kamigawa
Scars of Mirrodin
Secret Crisis
Secret Invasion: The Amazing Spider-Man (2008 Series)
Secrets of Eternity
Shadow of Infinity
Shadow Specters
Shadows over Innistrad
Shards of Alara
Shining Fates
Shining Victories
Shonen Jump Magazine Promos
SLX Cards
SM - Forbidden Light
SM - Lost Thunder
SM - Team Up
SM - Ultra Prism
SM Base Set
SM Promos
Soul Fusion
Soul of the Duelist
Speed Duel Decks: Destiny Masters
Speed Duel Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow
Speed Duel Decks: Match of the Millennium
Speed Duel Decks: Twisted Nightmares
Speed Duel Decks: Ultimate Predators
Speed Duel Demo Deck 2020
Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box
Speed Duel GX: Duelists of Shadows
Speed Duel GX: Midterm Destruction
Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox
Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls
Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep
Speed Duel: Battle City Box
Speed Duel: Battle City Finals
Speed Duel: Scars of Battle
Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City
Speed Duel: Tournament Pack 3
Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom
Spell Ruler
Spell Ruler (25th Anniversary Edition)
Spell Ruler (Worldwide English)
Spider-Gwen Annual (2016 Series)
Spider-Man (1990 Series)
Spider-Woman (1978 Series)
Star Pack - Battle Royal
Star Pack 2013
Star Pack 2014
Star Pack ARC-V
Star Pack VRAINS
Stardust Overdrive
Starstrike Blast
Starter 1999
Starter 2000
Starter Deck 2006
Starter Deck: Codebreaker
Starter Deck: Dark Legion
Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz
Starter Deck: Duelist Toolbox
Starter Deck: Jaden Yuki
Starter Deck: Joey
Starter Deck: Kaiba
Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution
Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded
Starter Deck: Link Strike
Starter Deck: Pegasus
Starter Deck: Saber Force
Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale
Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony
Starter Deck: Yugi
Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution
Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded
Starter Deck: Yuya
Storm of Ragnarok
Strange Academy (2020 Series)
Streets of New Capenna
Strike of Neos
Strixhaven: School of Mages
Structure Deck: Albaz Strike
Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix
Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction
Structure Deck: Cyber Dragon Revolution
Structure Deck: Cyber Strike
Structure Deck: Cyberse Link
Structure Deck: Dark World
Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage
Structure Deck: Dinosmasher's Fury
Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar
Structure Deck: Dragons Collide
Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion
Structure Deck: Emperor of Darkness
Structure Deck: Fire Kings
Structure Deck: Freezing Chains
Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep
Structure Deck: Gates of the Underworld
Structure Deck: Geargia Rampage
Structure Deck: HERO Strike
Structure Deck: Invincible Fortress
Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness
Structure Deck: Legend of the Crystal Beasts
Structure Deck: Lord of the Storm
Structure Deck: Lost Sanctuary
Structure Deck: Machina Mayhem
Structure Deck: Machine Re-Volt
Structure Deck: Machine Reactor
Structure Deck: Marik
Structure Deck: Master of Pendulum
Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness
Structure Deck: Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters
Structure Deck: Pendulum Domination
Structure Deck: Powercode Link
Structure Deck: Realm of Light
Structure Deck: Realm of the Sea Emperor
Structure Deck: Rise of the Dragon Lords
Structure Deck: Rise of the True Dragons
Structure Deck: Rokket Revolt
Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts
Structure Deck: Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Structure Deck: Samurai Warlords
Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba
Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown
Structure Deck: Soulburner
Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Command
Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment
Structure Deck: Spirit Charmers
Structure Deck: Synchron Extreme
Structure Deck: The Crimson King
Structure Deck: The Dark Emperor
Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph
Structure Deck: Warriors' Strike
Structure Deck: Wave of Light
Structure Deck: Yugi Muto
Structure Deck: Zombie Horde
Structure Deck: Zombie Madness
Structure Deck: Zombie World
Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown
Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown Power-Up Pack
Super Starter: V for Victory
Super Starter: V for Victory Power-Up Pack
Supreme Darkness
SV01: Scarlet & Violet Base Set
SV02: Paldea Evolved
SV03: Obsidian Flames
SV04: Paradox Rift
SV: Scarlet and Violet 151
SWSH01: Sword & Shield Base Set
SWSH02: Rebel Clash
SWSH03: Darkness Ablaze
SWSH04: Vivid Voltage
SWSH05: Battle Styles
SWSH06: Chilling Reign
SWSH07: Evolving Skies
SWSH08: Fusion Strike
SWSH09: Brilliant Stars
SWSH10: Astral Radiance
SWSH11: Lost Origin
SWSH12: Silver Tempest
Tactical Evolution
Tactical Masters
The Amazing Spider-Man (1999 Series)
The Brothers' War
The Dark Illusion
The Duelist Genesis
The Falsebound Kingdom
The Grand Creators
The Infinite Forbidden
The Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
The List
The List Reprints
The Lost Millennium
The New Challengers
The Sensational She-Hulk (1989 Series)
The Shining Darkness
The Thing (1983 Series)
Theros Beyond Death
Throne of Eldraine
Time Spiral
Time Spiral: Remastered
Toon Chaos
Tournament Events
Tournament Pack 2
Tournament Pack 3
Tournament Pack 8
Turbo Pack: Booster Four
Turbo Pack: Booster Seven
Turbo Pack: Booster Six
Ultimate Masters
Unique and Miscellaneous Promos
Urza's Destiny
Urza's Legacy
Urza's Saga
Valiant Smashers
Venom (2021 Series)
War of the Spark
Web of Venom: Wraith (2020 Series)
Welcome Deck 2016
Welcome Deck 2017
Wild Survivors
Wilderness: First Edition
Wing Raiders
World Championship Decks
X Record
XY - BREAKthrough
Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie Exclusive Pack
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie Promo Set
Yu-Gi-Oh! Video Game Promotional Cards
Zendikar Rising

Krosan Warchief | 155 | Commander 2013
Set: Commander 2013
Rarity: U
#: 155
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Beast
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: Beast spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
1G: Regenerate target Beast.
Flavor: It turns prey into predator.
Rarity: U
#: 155
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Beast
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: Beast spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
1G: Regenerate target Beast.
Flavor: It turns prey into predator.

Island (294) | Mirrodin
Set: Mirrodin
Rarity: L
#: 294
Creature Type or Sub Type: Basic Land
Rules Text Contains: [U]
Rarity: L
#: 294
Creature Type or Sub Type: Basic Land
Rules Text Contains: [U]

Titania's Chosen | 158 | Commander Anthology
Set: Commander Anthology
Rarity: U
#: 158
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Elf Archer
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Whenever a player casts a green spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Titania’s Chosen.
Flavor: “What do a hero and an arrow have in common? In times of war are many more made.”
—Elvish riddle
Rarity: U
#: 158
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Elf Archer
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Whenever a player casts a green spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Titania’s Chosen.
Flavor: “What do a hero and an arrow have in common? In times of war are many more made.”
—Elvish riddle

Guild Summit | 41 | Guilds of Ravnica
Set: Guilds of Ravnica
Rarity: U
#: 41
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: When Guild Summit enters the battlefield, you may tap any number of untapped Gates you control. Draw a card for each Gate tapped this way.
Whenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card.
Flavor: In a climate of suspicion, Isperia gathered the guilds to propose a radical idea: cooperation.
Rarity: U
#: 41
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: When Guild Summit enters the battlefield, you may tap any number of untapped Gates you control. Draw a card for each Gate tapped this way.
Whenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card.
Flavor: In a climate of suspicion, Isperia gathered the guilds to propose a radical idea: cooperation.

Wishmonger | 57 | Mercadian Masques
Set: Mercadian Masques
Rarity: U
#: 57
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Monger
P: 3
T: 3
Rules Text Contains: 2: Target creature gains protection from the color of its controller’s choice until end of turn. Any player may play this ability.
Flavor: "It's not what you ask for, but how you ask for it."
Rarity: U
#: 57
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Monger
P: 3
T: 3
Rules Text Contains: 2: Target creature gains protection from the color of its controller’s choice until end of turn. Any player may play this ability.
Flavor: "It's not what you ask for, but how you ask for it."

Beetleback Chief | 83 | Commander Anthology Volume II
Set: Commander Anthology Volume II
Rarity: U
#: 83
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Goblin Warrior
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: When Beetleback Chief enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.
Flavor: Whether trained, ridden, or eaten, few goblin military innovations have rivaled the bug.
Rarity: U
#: 83
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Goblin Warrior
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: When Beetleback Chief enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.
Flavor: Whether trained, ridden, or eaten, few goblin military innovations have rivaled the bug.

Goblin Wardriver | 50 | Duel Decks: Merfolk vs. Goblins
Set: Duel Decks: Merfolk vs. Goblins
Rarity: U
#: 50
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Goblin Warrior
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: Battle cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.)
Flavor: "A true warrior fights with whatever's handy."
—Qerk of the Secret Warren
Rarity: U
#: 50
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Goblin Warrior
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: Battle cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.)
Flavor: "A true warrior fights with whatever's handy."
—Qerk of the Secret Warren

Homing Sliver | 118 | Future Sight
Set: Future Sight
Rarity: C
#: 118
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Sliver
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: Each Sliver card in each player's hand has slivercycling 3.
Slivercycling 3 (3, Discard this card: Search your library for a Sliver card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.)
Rarity: C
#: 118
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Sliver
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: Each Sliver card in each player's hand has slivercycling 3.
Slivercycling 3 (3, Discard this card: Search your library for a Sliver card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.)

Darkblast | 51 | Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits
Set: Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits
Rarity: U
#: 51
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.
Dredge 3 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly three cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)
Rarity: U
#: 51
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.
Dredge 3 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly three cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)

Myr Mindservant | 213 | Mirrodin
Set: Mirrodin
Rarity: U
#: 213
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature Myr
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: 2, T: Shuffle your library.
Rarity: U
#: 213
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature Myr
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: 2, T: Shuffle your library.

Extruder | 130 | Urza's Destiny
Set: Urza's Destiny
Rarity: U
#: 130
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature
P: 4
T: 3
Rules Text Contains: Echo
Sacrifice an artifact: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.
Flavor: As the invasion drew closer, Urza's means began to resemble Phyrexia's end.
Rarity: U
#: 130
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature
P: 4
T: 3
Rules Text Contains: Echo
Sacrifice an artifact: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.
Flavor: As the invasion drew closer, Urza's means began to resemble Phyrexia's end.

Ichor Wellspring | 261 | Double Masters
Set: Double Masters
Rarity: C
#: 261
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact
Rules Text Contains: When Ichor Wellspring enters the battlefield or is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, draw a card.
Flavor: "Our glorious infection has taken hold."
—Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Rarity: C
#: 261
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact
Rules Text Contains: When Ichor Wellspring enters the battlefield or is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, draw a card.
Flavor: "Our glorious infection has taken hold."
—Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Swamp (238) | Magic 2011 (M11)
Set: Magic 2011 (M11)
Rarity: L
#: 238
Creature Type or Sub Type: Basic Land — Swamp
Rarity: L
#: 238
Creature Type or Sub Type: Basic Land — Swamp

Haru-Onna | 132 | Saviors of Kamigawa
Set: Saviors of Kamigawa
Rarity: U
#: 132
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Spirit
P: 2
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: When Haru-Onna comes into play, draw a card.
Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may return Haru-Onna to its owner's hand.
Rarity: U
#: 132
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Spirit
P: 2
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: When Haru-Onna comes into play, draw a card.
Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may return Haru-Onna to its owner's hand.

Elvish Dreadlord | 121 | Commander Legends
Set: Commander Legends
Rarity: R
#: 121
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Zombie Elf
P: 3
T: 3
Rules Text Contains: Deathtouch
When Elvish Dreadlord dies, non-Elf creatures get -3/-3 until end of turn.
Encore 5BB (5BB, Exile this card from your graveyard: For each opponent, create a token copy that attacks that opponent this turn if able. They gain haste. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step. Activate only as a sorcery.)
Rarity: R
#: 121
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Zombie Elf
P: 3
T: 3
Rules Text Contains: Deathtouch
When Elvish Dreadlord dies, non-Elf creatures get -3/-3 until end of turn.
Encore 5BB (5BB, Exile this card from your graveyard: For each opponent, create a token copy that attacks that opponent this turn if able. They gain haste. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step. Activate only as a sorcery.)

Boros Cluestone | 175 | Commander Anthology Volume II
Set: Commander Anthology Volume II
Rarity: C
#: 175
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact
Rules Text Contains: T: Add R or W.
RW, T, Sacrifice Boros Cluestone: Draw a card.
Flavor: "In case of fire, treachery, citywide riot, political upheaval, or worldwide societal collapse, break glass."—Cluestone inscription
Rarity: C
#: 175
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact
Rules Text Contains: T: Add R or W.
RW, T, Sacrifice Boros Cluestone: Draw a card.
Flavor: "In case of fire, treachery, citywide riot, political upheaval, or worldwide societal collapse, break glass."—Cluestone inscription

Retreat to Kazandu | 72 | Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
Set: Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
Rarity: U
#: 72
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, choose one:
• Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.
• You gain 2 life.
Rarity: U
#: 72
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, choose one:
• Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.
• You gain 2 life.

Brass Herald | 293 | 8th Edition
Set: 8th Edition
Rarity: R
#: 293
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature — Golem
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: As Brass Herald comes into play, choose a creature type.
When Brass Herald comes into play, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all creature cards of the chosen type revealed this way into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Creatures of the chosen type get +1/+1.
Rarity: R
#: 293
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature — Golem
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: As Brass Herald comes into play, choose a creature type.
When Brass Herald comes into play, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all creature cards of the chosen type revealed this way into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Creatures of the chosen type get +1/+1.

Hunter's Insight | 180 | Magic 2012 (M12)
Set: Magic 2012 (M12)
Rarity: U
#: 180
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Choose target creature you control. Whenever that creature deals combat damage to a player or planeswalker this turn, draw that many cards.
Flavor: "The predator knows the true way of the world. Life is conflict. Only the strong survive."
—Garruk Wildspeaker
Rarity: U
#: 180
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Choose target creature you control. Whenever that creature deals combat damage to a player or planeswalker this turn, draw that many cards.
Flavor: "The predator knows the true way of the world. Life is conflict. Only the strong survive."
—Garruk Wildspeaker

Triskaidekaphobia | 110 | Masters 25
Set: Masters 25
Rarity: R
#: 110
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one —
• Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life.
• Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.
Rarity: R
#: 110
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one —
• Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life.
• Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.

Skeletal Scrying | 125 | Commander 2017
Set: Commander 2017
Rarity: U
#: 125
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: As an additional cost to cast Skeletal Scrying, exile X cards from your graveyard.
You draw X cards and you lose X life.
Rarity: U
#: 125
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: As an additional cost to cast Skeletal Scrying, exile X cards from your graveyard.
You draw X cards and you lose X life.

Yixlid Jailer | 93 | Future Sight
Set: Future Sight
Rarity: U
#: 93
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Zombie Wizard
P: 2
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Cards in graveyards lose all abilities.
Flavor: "I have an eternity to know the souls who are bound here, to behold their every facet. But moments from now they will be gagged and masked, and they shall be known by none other."
Rarity: U
#: 93
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Zombie Wizard
P: 2
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Cards in graveyards lose all abilities.
Flavor: "I have an eternity to know the souls who are bound here, to behold their every facet. But moments from now they will be gagged and masked, and they shall be known by none other."

Enclave Cryptologist | 66 | Rise of the Eldrazi
Set: Rise of the Eldrazi
Rarity: U
#: 66
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Merfolk Wizard
P: 0
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Level up 1U (1U: Put a level counter on this. Level up only as a sorcery.)
[Level 1-2] T: Draw a card, then discard a card. [0/1]
[Level 3+] T: Draw a card. [0/1]
Rarity: U
#: 66
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Merfolk Wizard
P: 0
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Level up 1U (1U: Put a level counter on this. Level up only as a sorcery.)
[Level 1-2] T: Draw a card, then discard a card. [0/1]
[Level 3+] T: Draw a card. [0/1]

Ulvenwald Observer | 176 | Eldritch Moon
Set: Eldritch Moon
Rarity: R
#: 176
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Treefolk
P: 6
T: 6
Rules Text Contains: Whenever a creature you control with toughness 4 or greater dies, draw a card.
Flavor: "I tell you, the trees were closing in! It's by the grace of the Heron alone that I made it out of the Ulvenwald!"
—Ricton, traveling merchant
Rarity: R
#: 176
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Treefolk
P: 6
T: 6
Rules Text Contains: Whenever a creature you control with toughness 4 or greater dies, draw a card.
Flavor: "I tell you, the trees were closing in! It's by the grace of the Heron alone that I made it out of the Ulvenwald!"
—Ricton, traveling merchant

Tazri, Beacon of Unity | 44 | Zendikar Rising
Set: Zendikar Rising
Rarity: M
#: 44
Creature Type or Sub Type: Legendary Creature — Human Warrior
P: 4
T: 6
Rules Text Contains: This spell costs 1 less to cast for each creature in your party.
(2/U)(2/B)(2/R)(2/G): Look at the top six cards of your library. You may reveal up to two Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, Wizard and/or Ally cards from among them and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.
Rarity: M
#: 44
Creature Type or Sub Type: Legendary Creature — Human Warrior
P: 4
T: 6
Rules Text Contains: This spell costs 1 less to cast for each creature in your party.
(2/U)(2/B)(2/R)(2/G): Look at the top six cards of your library. You may reveal up to two Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, Wizard and/or Ally cards from among them and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.

Tormod's Crypt | 278 | Commander 2014
Set: Commander 2014
Rarity: U
#: 278
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact
Rules Text Contains: T, Sacrifice Tormod's Crypt: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard.
Flavor: Dominaria's most extravagant crypt nevertheless holds an empty grave.
Rarity: U
#: 278
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact
Rules Text Contains: T, Sacrifice Tormod's Crypt: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard.
Flavor: Dominaria's most extravagant crypt nevertheless holds an empty grave.

Telling Time | 4 | Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits
Set: Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits
Rarity: U
#: 4
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, one on top of your library, and one on the bottom of your library.
Flavor: Mastery is achieved when "telling time" becomes "telling time what to do."
Rarity: U
#: 4
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, one on top of your library, and one on the bottom of your library.
Flavor: Mastery is achieved when "telling time" becomes "telling time what to do."

Tectonic Reformation | 149 | Modern Horizons
Set: Modern Horizons
Rarity: R
#: 149
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: Each land card in your hand has cycling R.
Cycling 2 (2, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
Flavor: Alone in the charred desolation of her kingdom, she regretted many things—most of all not acting sooner.
Rarity: R
#: 149
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchantment
Rules Text Contains: Each land card in your hand has cycling R.
Cycling 2 (2, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
Flavor: Alone in the charred desolation of her kingdom, she regretted many things—most of all not acting sooner.

Grixis Panorama | 254 | Commander 2017
Set: Commander 2017
Rarity: C
#: 254
Creature Type or Sub Type: Land
Rules Text Contains: T: Add C to your mana pool.
1, T, Sacrifice Grixis Panorama: Search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain card and put it onto the battlefield tapped. Then shuffle your library.
Flavor: There is no height above Grixis that is free from the stench of death.
Rarity: C
#: 254
Creature Type or Sub Type: Land
Rules Text Contains: T: Add C to your mana pool.
1, T, Sacrifice Grixis Panorama: Search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain card and put it onto the battlefield tapped. Then shuffle your library.
Flavor: There is no height above Grixis that is free from the stench of death.

Etched Monstrosity | 210 | Modern Masters 2015
Set: Modern Masters 2015
Rarity: R
#: 210
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature — Golem
P: 10
T: 10
Rules Text Contains: Etched Monstrosity enters the battlefield with five -1/-1 counters on it.
WUBRG, Remove five -1/-1 counters from Etched Monstrosity: Target player draws three cards.
Flavor: Now etched only with the scars of phyresis.
Rarity: R
#: 210
Creature Type or Sub Type: Artifact Creature — Golem
P: 10
T: 10
Rules Text Contains: Etched Monstrosity enters the battlefield with five -1/-1 counters on it.
WUBRG, Remove five -1/-1 counters from Etched Monstrosity: Target player draws three cards.
Flavor: Now etched only with the scars of phyresis.

Azorius Guildmage | 141 | Dissension
Set: Dissension
Rarity: U
#: 141
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Vedalken Wizard
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: ((W/U) can be paid with either W or U.)
2W: Tap target creature.
2U: Counter target activated ability. (Mana abilities can't be targeted.)
Rarity: U
#: 141
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Vedalken Wizard
P: 2
T: 2
Rules Text Contains: ((W/U) can be paid with either W or U.)
2W: Tap target creature.
2U: Counter target activated ability. (Mana abilities can't be targeted.)

Soul of Shandalar | 163 | Magic 2015 (M15)
Set: Magic 2015 (M15)
Rarity: M
#: 163
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Avatar
P: 6
T: 6
Rules Text Contains: First strike
3RR: Souls of Shandalar deals 3 damage to target player and 3 damage to up to one target creature that player controls.
3RR, Exile Soul of Shandalar from your graveyard: Soul of Shandalar deals 3 damage to target player and 3 damage to up to one target creature that player controls.
Rarity: M
#: 163
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Avatar
P: 6
T: 6
Rules Text Contains: First strike
3RR: Souls of Shandalar deals 3 damage to target player and 3 damage to up to one target creature that player controls.
3RR, Exile Soul of Shandalar from your graveyard: Soul of Shandalar deals 3 damage to target player and 3 damage to up to one target creature that player controls.

Obelisk Spider | 141 | Hour of Devastation
Set: Hour of Devastation
Rarity: U
#: 141
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Spider
P: 1
T: 4
Rules Text Contains: Reach
Whenever Obelisk Spider deals combat damage to a creature, put a -1/-1 counter on that creature.
Whenever you put one or more -1/-1 counters on a creature, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Rarity: U
#: 141
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Spider
P: 1
T: 4
Rules Text Contains: Reach
Whenever Obelisk Spider deals combat damage to a creature, put a -1/-1 counter on that creature.
Whenever you put one or more -1/-1 counters on a creature, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.

Voldaren Thrillseeker | 171 | March of the Machine
Set: March of the Machine
Rarity: R
#: 171
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Vampire Warrior
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Backup 2 (When this creature enters the battlefield, put two +1/+1 counters on target creature. If that's another creature, it gains the following ability until end of turn.)
1, Sacrifice this creature: It deals damage equal to its power to any target.
Flavor: "The end is always nigh. Let's have some fun!"
Rarity: R
#: 171
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Vampire Warrior
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Backup 2 (When this creature enters the battlefield, put two +1/+1 counters on target creature. If that's another creature, it gains the following ability until end of turn.)
1, Sacrifice this creature: It deals damage equal to its power to any target.
Flavor: "The end is always nigh. Let's have some fun!"

Pyre Charger | 38 | Duel Decks: Anthology
Set: Duel Decks: Anthology
Rarity: U
#: 38
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Elemental Warrior
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Haste
R: Pyre Charger gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Flavor: His blade was forged over coals of moaning treefolk, curved at the optimum angle for severing heads, and heated to volcanic temperatures by his touch.
Rarity: U
#: 38
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Elemental Warrior
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Haste
R: Pyre Charger gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Flavor: His blade was forged over coals of moaning treefolk, curved at the optimum angle for severing heads, and heated to volcanic temperatures by his touch.

Slith Firewalker | 39 | Duel Decks: Anthology
Set: Duel Decks: Anthology
Rarity: U
#: 39
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Slith
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Haste
Whenever Slith Firewalker deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.
Flavor: The slith incubate in the Great Furnace's heat, emerging on Mirrodin's surface only when the four suns have aligned overhead.
Rarity: U
#: 39
Creature Type or Sub Type: Creature — Slith
P: 1
T: 1
Rules Text Contains: Haste
Whenever Slith Firewalker deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.
Flavor: The slith incubate in the Great Furnace's heat, emerging on Mirrodin's surface only when the four suns have aligned overhead.

Magma Jet | 52 | Duel Decks: Anthology
Set: Duel Decks: Anthology
Rarity: U
#: 52
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Magma Jet deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Scry 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)
Rarity: U
#: 52
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Magma Jet deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Scry 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Annul | 29 | Mirrodin
Set: Mirrodin
Rarity: C
#: 29
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Counter target artifact or enchantment spell.
Rarity: C
#: 29
Creature Type or Sub Type: Instant
Rules Text Contains: Counter target artifact or enchantment spell.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.

Thirst | Mirage
Set: Mirage
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
Rarity: C
Creature Type or Sub Type: Enchant Creature
Rules Text Contains: When Thirst comes into play, tap enchanted creature.During your upkeep, pay U or bury Thirst.Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller’s untap phase.
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