Metaphys Decoy Dragon | CYHO-EN018

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Set: Cybernetic Horizon
Number: CYHO-EN018
Rarity: Common
Attribute: LIGHT
Monster Type: Wyrm
Card Type: Pendulum/Effect Monster
Attack: 300
Defense: 200
Description: Pendulum Effect: When your monster is targeted for an attack: You can target 1 of your "Metaphys" monsters that is banished or in your GY; banish this card, and if you do, Special Summon that monster in Attack Position. You can only use this effect of "Metaphys Decoy Dragon" once per turn.
Monster Effect: When your monster is targeted for an attack: You can target 1 of your "Metaphys" monsters that is banished or in your GY; banish this card, and if you do, Special Summon that monster in Attack Position. During the Standby Phase of the next turn after this card was banished: You can Special Summon this banished card. You can only use each effect of "Metaphys Decoy Dragon" once per turn.